First Homes for Phoenix Project - UA news We are Ukraine
The first 12 homes of the Phoenix Project in Andriivka village, Kyiv region, are nearing completion. For the families who lost their houses, this marks the end of a long journey and the start of a new chapter. This Christmas, they will be able to celebrate in homes of their own once again.
Our mission is to restore what was lost on their own land and to give back a sense of stability and peace to those who truly need it. For many of these families, rebuilding has been out of reach, and government aid hasn’t been accessible—or may never come. That’s why we feel a profound responsibility to step in for those who deserve the chance to rebuild but have no one else to turn to.
“Our goal is to build not just a basic house with a roof overhead, but a comfortable home—one you can walk into, bring your belongings, and live happily in”